This post was inspired by our recent trip to Chicago {AMAZING city btw, totally want to move there tomorrow, but that’s a post for another day}! We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and we ate ALL the wonderful things that were suggested to us by my awesome followers. It was a DELICIOUS time, BUT by the time we left there four days later, my body was begging for some digestive rest, whole foods, and water! The question was, how do I get back on track with the FASTer Way?
Resuming the FASTer Way
It can be really overwhelming to try to get back on your health and wellness track after a vacay, an event, or heck, just LIFE sometimes. Am I right!? I knew I had a super busy week ahead of us upon our arrival back home, and I was feeling a little overwhelmed at the idea of resetting my body on top of all the other responsibilities headed my way in the coming days. So, I came up with a SIMPLE game plan on the plane ride home of how I was going to get myself back on track in the midst of a crazy week, because let’s face it, we can all handle life better when we FEEL good! So, I thought I would share my 5 Simple Tips for jumping back on the FASTer Way track when your life happens!
1.Let go of the guilt!
The FASTer Way to Fat Loss lifestyle is ALL about giving grace, and not allowing guilt in the way of your progress towards your health and wellness goals. There is NOTHING productive about guilt! Guilt just causes shame, and hinders you from moving forward. So, first and foremost, SQUASH that guilt. It has NO place here!
2.Focus on whole foods + SIMPLE meals
Jot down just 5 EASY meals for the week. Focus on whole foods (if it comes from the ground or has a mother = whole food), and don’t try to make meals that require a lot of time or ingredients. If you are already living the FASTer Way lifestyle, I wouldn’t even worry about tracking macros or carb cycling at this point. Just start fresh focused on wholesome, nutritious food, and get back to tracking and cycling the following week. If you need ideas for SUPER simple meal and snack ideas, check out my Instagram page @fatlossmama!
3.Plenty of water
This may not seem like it will make a big difference, but it will! Aim to consume at least half your body weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 150lbs, your MINIMUM water intake should be 75oz per day. Staying properly hydrated is important for SO many reasons. But for the sake of getting back on your health and wellness track, it will help reduce cravings and hunger. Plus it will allow you to sleep better which will again, help with cravings the following day.
4.Intermittent Fasting
If you are already living the FASTer Way lifestyle, then you know we incorporate intermittent fasting for a number of reasons. While we were in Chicago, we were having to eat dinner very late, and then waking back up the following morning and having breakfast. While it was all SUPER delicious, and enjoyed every meal there {especially the out of this world lattes we discovered!}, my gut was SCREAMING for a break! I usually follow a 16/8 intermittent fasting protocol daily, and my body was definitely ready to get back to that. However, when you’ve been eating pretty much around the clock for several days, your body gets use to that. And going back to a 16 hour fasted state immediately can be challenging. My solution...shorten your fasting window for a few days! No harm done! I started by fasting only 12 hours the first day back, then 14 hours for a couple of days. And then back to my usual 16 hours without any problems! And my tummy is VERY thankful to be back to this schedule!
5.Commit to ONE workout
Do not overwhelm yourself by coming back from vacation and plan ALL the things including 5 workouts the first week you are back. If you can get all that done, then YOU, my friend, are my HERO, and more power to you! But, if you are anything like me coming back from vacay, you have children to get back into a routine, bags to unpack, loads of laundry to be washed and put away, grocery shopping to be done, and work to get back to. So, for me I just set a goal to get AT LEAST one workout in my first week back. Chances are I will feel SO much more energized, and just better all around, that I will make it a priority to get more workouts in. But by committing to only one my first week back, I don’t get overwhelmed, and give up before I even start.
Consistency is Key with the FASTer Way
There you have it, friends! I pray these tips help you overcome the guilt of enjoying your respite away from life, and help you get right back on track with your health and fitness journey, no matter what that looks like for you! If you would like to learn more about the FASTer Way to Fat Loss lifestyle, I would love to share my knowledge and my FASTer Way story with you! Feel free to email me, DM me on Instagram, or comment on this post! Share YOUR tips in the comments on how YOU get back on track after vacay! I would LOVE to hear!!